Insured Portfolio
The following data provides information on MBIA Insurance Corp.'s and National Public Finance Guarantee Corp.'s
Insured Portfolios as of the dates indicated and reflects the most current data available at the time of the posted update.
MBIA undertakes no obligation to revise or update the information to reflect changes in events or expectations. The
information contained therein is qualified in its entirety and should be read in conjunction with MBIA Inc.’s SEC
filings. Data within is gathered from several third party sources such as trustee reports, Intex, Bloomberg and rating agency
websites; therefore, amounts and distributions may differ depending on data source and interpretation.
Contact Information
1 Manhattanville Road
Suite 301
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 273-4545
Investor and Media Relations
Greg Diamond
Managing Director
Greg Diamond
Transfer Agent
Shareholder Services